Na osnovi članka 89. Ustava Republike Hrvatske, donosim



Proglašavam Zakona o potvrđivanju Ugovora između Republike Hrvatske i Kraljevine Nizozemske o socijalnom osiguranju, koji je donio Zastupnički dom Hrvatskoga državnog sabora na sjednici 29. siječnja 1999.

Broj: 081-99-222/1
Zagreb, 3. veljače 1999.

Republike Hrvatske
dr. Franjo Tuđman, v. r.



Članak 1.

Potvrđuje se Ugovor između Republike Hrvatske i Kraljevine Nizozemske o socijalnom osiguranju, potpisan u Zagrebu 11. rujna 1998. u izvorniku na engleskom jeziku.

Članak 2.

Tekst Ugovora u prijevodu na hrvatski jezik i jeziku izvornika glasi:


The Republic of Croatia
The Kingdom of the Netherlands

- desiring to regulate the relations between the two States in the field od social security,

- taking into account that the actual relations between the two countries are arranged through and exchange of letters of 25 February 1992 and 21 April 1992;

have agreed to conclude a Convention with the following provisions:


Article 1


1. For the purpose of this Convention:

a. »Croatia« means the Republic of Croatia and »the Netherlands« means the Kingdom of the Netherlands,

b. »Territory« means,

in relation to Croatia: the territory of the Republic of Croatia;

in relation to the Netherlands: the territory of the Kingdom in Europe;

c. »National« means, as regards Croatia, a person with the nationality of the Republic of Croatia and as regards the Netherlands a person of the Netherlands nationality;

d. »Employed person« means a person who is employed by an employer as well as any person who is deemed equivalent to an employed person by the legislation applied;

e. »Legislation« means laws, ordinances and regulations relating to the systems and branches of social security specified in Article 2;

f. »Competent authority« means,

in relation to Croatia: the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and the Minister of Health; in relation to the Netherlands: the Minister for Social Affairs and Employment and, as far as benefits in kind of the legislation on sickness insurance are concerned, the Minister for Health, Welfare and Sport;

g. »Insurance institution« means the body or authority charged with the implementation of the legislation specified in Article 2, or a portion thereof;

h. »Competent institution« means the institution which is competent according to the applicable legislation;

i. »Competent state« menas the Contracting Party in the territory of which the competent institution is situated;

j. »Insurance period« means a contribution period, a period of employment, a period of residence or any other period defined, recognized or treated as a period of insurance under the legislation applicable to the person during such a period;

k. »Pension or cash benefit« means a pension or a cash benefit under the applicable legislation including all the constituent parts thereof which are financed out of public funds as well as all increases and statutory wage payments in case of sickness;

l. »Member of the family« means a person defined or recognized as such in the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory such a person resides; where, however, this legislation regards only persons living with the person concerned as members of the family, this condition shall be deemed to be satisfied if such persons are mainly maintained by the person concerned;

m. »Institution of the place of residence« means the institution empowered, under the Contracting Partyžs legislation which it applies, to provide the benefits in question at the place of residence or, where no such institution exists the institution designated by the competent authority of the Contracting Party concerned;

n. »Institution of the place of temporary stay« means the institution empowered, under the Contracting Partyžs legislation which it applies, to provide the benefits in question at the place of temporary stay or, where no such institution exists, the institution designated by the competent authority of the Contracting Party concerned.

2. Other words and expressions which are used in this Convention shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the legislation applied.

Article 2


1. This Convention shall apply

A. In relation to Croatia to the legislation on:

a. sickness insurance and medical protection (benefits in kind and cashe benefits in case of sickness and maternity);

b. pension and disability insurance (old-age, disablement and survivorsž pensions including benefits in case of occupational injuries and professional diseases and other pensions and disability insurance benefits),

c. unemployment insurance (cash benefit during unemployment),

d. childrenžs allowances.

B. In relation to the Netherlands to the legislation on:

a. sickness insurance (cash benefits and benefits in kind in the case of sickness and maternity), including the scheme concerning the liability of an employer;

b. invalidity insurance;

c. old age insurance;

d. survivorsž insurance;

e. unemployment insurance;

f. childrenžs allowances.

2. With the reservations made in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article, this Convention shall apply also to all legislation codifying, amending or supplementing the legislation specified in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. This Convention shall apply to any legislation of a Contracting Party extending the legislation specified in paragraph 1 of this Article to new categories of persons, if that Contracting Party had not, within six months of the official announcement of such legislation, notified the other Contracting Party to the effect that the Convention shall not apply to such legislation.

4. This Convention shall not apply to legislation instituting a new branch of social security unless the Contracting Parties make an agreement to that effect.

5. This Convention does not apply to social assistance schemes or to special schemes for civil servants or persons treated as such.

Article 3


Unless otherwise provided in this Convention it shall apply to:

a. persons who are or have been subject to the legislation of one or both Contracting Parties;

b. persons deriving rights from a person mentioned under paragraph a of this Article.

Article 4


Unless otherwise provided in this Convention, nationals of a Contracting Party shall, when they stay or reside in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties, have the same obligations and rights as nationals of that Contracting Party regarding the application of the legislation of that Contracting Party.

Article 5


1. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention pensions and other cash benefits in case of oldage, invalidity and death acquired under the legislation of one Contracting Party may not be reduced, modified, suspended or with-drawn in account of the recipient staying or residing in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

2. Unless otherwise provided in this Convention cash benefits under the legislation of a Contracting Party shall be payable to persons designated in Article 3, who are staying or residing outside the territories of either Contracting Party, on the same conditions and to the same extent as to nationals of that Contracting Party who are staying or residing outside those territories.

Article 6


1. Provisions in the legislation of a Contracting Party for the reduction, suspension or suppression of benefits from one branch of social security where there is overlapping with benefits from an other branch or with other income, or because of an occupational activity, shall apply also to the beneficiary in respect of benefits acquired under the legislation of the other Contracting Party or in respect of income obtained, or occupation excercised, in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

2. Where the benefits due under the legislations of the Contracting Parties are conditional upon reductions, suspensions or withdrawals, the amounts of benefits which would not be paid in strict application of the provisions concerning reduction, suspension or withdrawal shall be divided by the number of benefits subject to reduction, suspension or withdrawal.


Article 7


1. Persons to whom the provisions of this Part of the Convention apply shall be subject to the legislation of one Contracting Party only. That legislation shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of Articles 8 to 13.

2. A person who is subject to the legislation of one Contracting Party in accordance with the provisions of this Part shall be considered as residing in the territory of that Contracting Party.

Article 8


1. A person employed in the territory of one Contracting Party shall be subject to the legislation of that Contracting Party even if he resides in the territory of the other Contracting Party or if the registered office or place of business of the undertaking or individual employing him is situated in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

2. A person employed in the territory of both Contracting Parties shall be subject to the legislation of the Contracting Party in the territory of which he is resident. If he is not resident in the territory of either Contracting Party he shall be subject to the legislation of the Contracting Party in the territory of which the employer has his principal place of business.

3. Travelling personnel employed by an undertaking which for hire or reward or on its own account operates international transport services for passengers or goods by rail, road or air shall be subject to the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the undertaking has ist head office even if the employee concerned resides in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

If however a person is employed by a branch or permanent agency which the said undertaking has in the territory of the other Contracting Party or if that person is employed and resident in the territory of this Party, the legislation of this Contracting Party shall apply.

Article 9


Article 8, paragraph 1, shall apply subject to the following exceptions and circumstances:

If a person employed in the territory of a Contracting Party is posted by his employer to which he is normally attached to the territory of the other Contracting Party to perform a certain work there for that employer and whilst staying in paid employment with this employer, he shall continue to be subject to the legislation of the former Contracting Party for the duration of that work as if he were still employed in the territory of this Contracting Party, provided that the relevant work will not exceed a period of two years and that the certificate of posting has been submitted no later than within the first three months of that period. Successive postings of the same employee by the same employer shall be counted as one unless they are separated by at least twelve months.

Article 10


Article 9 shall apply correspondingly, but without any time limit, to posted civil servants.

Article 11


A person who is employed on board a vessel and who is resident in the territory of a Contracting Party shall be subject to the legislation of the Party on the territory of which the employer has his registered office or his place of business.

Article 12


1. Nationals of a Contracting Party who are sent by the Government of this Contracting Party to the territory of the other Contracting Party as members of a diplomatic mission or consular post, shall be subject to the legislation of the former Contracting Party.

2. Persons who are emloyed by a diplomatic mission or consular post of one of the Contracting Parties in the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall be subject to the legislation of the latter Contracting Party.

3. If the diplomatic mission or consular post of one of the Contracting Parties employs persons who according to paragraph 2 of this Article are subject to the legislation of the other Contracting Party, the mission or post shall observe the obligations which the legislation of this Contracting Party imposes on employers.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall apply correspondingly to persons employed in the private service of a person mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Article. In that case the natural person who employs other persons shall observe the obligations which the legislation of the Contracting Party where the employment is performed imposes on employers.

5. The provisions of paragraphs 1 to 4 of this Article do not apply to honorary members of a consular post or to persons employed in the private service of such persons.

Article 13


The competent authorities of the two Contracting Parties or the bodies designated by the authorities may agree on exceptions from the provisions of Articles 8 to 12 in the interest of employees and hereby establish compulsory insurance under the relevant legislation.


Chapter 1
Sickness and maternity

Article 14


1. If a person has completed insurance periods under the legislation of both Contracting Parties these periods shall be added together for the acquisition, maintenance or recovery of entitlement to a benefit, in so far as they do not coincide.

2. If the legislation of one Contracting Party makes admission to compulsory insurance conditional upon the completion of insurance periods, such periods completed under the legislation of the other Contracting Party shall, to that end, for the purpose of adding periods together, be taken into account, to the extent necessary, as if they were insurance periods completed under the legislation of the first Contracting Party.

Article 15


1. Persons who reside in the territory of the Contracting Party other than the competent State and who satisfy the conditions for entitlement prescribed by the legislation of the latter State, regard being had, where appropriate, to the provisions of Article 14, shall receive in the territory of the Contracting Party in which they reside:

a. benefits in kind, provided at the expense of the competent institution by the institution of the place of residence in accordance with the provisions of the legislation which the latter institution applies, as if these persons were affiliated to it;

b. cash benefits, paid by the competent institution in accordance with the provisions of the legislation which it applies, as if these persons were resident in the territory of the competent State.

2. The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall, in respect to benefits in kind, apply by analogy to members of the family who are resident in the territory of a Contracting Party other than the competent State in so far as they are not entitled to such benefits under the legislation of the State in whose territory they reside because of a gainful occupation or because of their receiving a social security benefit of the Party in whose territory they reside.

Article 16


If a person who has been insured under the legislation of one of the Contracting Parties is transferring his residence to the territory of the other Party, but does not satisfy the conditions for entitlement to benefits under the legislation of the latter Party, and if that person would still be entitled to such benefits under the legislation of the first Party if he were residing in the territory of that Party, such entitlement will nevertheless be retained. In that case Article 18, paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 will be applicable by analogy.

Article 17


1. Persons of the members of their family referred to in Article 15, who are staying in or transferring their place of residence to the territory of the competent State shall receive benefits in the territory of the competent State, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation of that State, even if they have already received benefits for the same case of sickness or maternity before their transfer of residence; if the legislation applied by the competent institution provides for a maximum period for the provision of benefits, the period in which such benefits have been provided immediately before the transfer of residence will be taken into account.

2. In case of temporary stay of the members of the family referred to in Article 15 paragraph 2, in the territory of the competent State, Article 18, paragraphs 1 and 7 shall be applicable by analogy.

Article 18


1. A person who satisfies the conditions for entitlement to benefits under the legislation of one of the Contracting Parties will be entitled to such benefits during a temporary stay in the territory of the other Contracting Party when his condition necessitates immediate provision of medical care.

2. A person who is entitled to benefits at the expense of an institution of one of the Contracting Parties and who resides in the territory of that Party, retains that entitlement when he transfers his residence to the territory of the other Contracting Part. However, before the transfer the person concerned will have to obtain the authorisation of the competent institution. Such authorisation may be refused only if it is established that movement of the person concerned would be prejudicial to his state of health or the receipt of medical treatment.

3. When a person is entitled to benefits according to the provisions of the preceding paragraphs, the benefits in kind shall be provided at the expense of the competent institution by the institution of the place of temporary stay or residence according to the provisions of the legislation applied by the latter institution, as if the person concerned were insured there. The period during which benefits are provided shall, however, be that laid down under the legislation of the competent State.

4. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the supply of prosthesis, major appliances or other substantial benefits in kind - except in case of absolute urgency will be subject to the condition that the competent institution will give its authorisation.

5. In the cases referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, cash benefits will be provided by the competent institution according to the provisions of the legislation which it applies.

6. The provisions of this Article shall be applicable by analogy to the members of the family of the person concerned.

7. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 6 of this Article are not applicable to persons who are going to the territory of the Contracting Party other than the competent State, for the purpose of receiving medical care.

Article 19


1. Where a person receiving pensions under the legislation of both Contracting Parties is entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory he is resident, such benefits shall be provided to him and the members of his family by the institution of the place of residence at its own cost, as if he were a pensioner under the legislation of the latter Party only.

2. Where a person receiving a pension under the legislation of one Contracting Party resides in the territory of the other Contracting Party and he is not entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of the latter Contracting Party, the institution of the place of his residence provides according to the legislation which it applies, and at the expense of the competent institution, this person and the members of his family with benefits in kind to which this person is entitled under the legislation of the first Contracting Party or would be entitled to if he were to reside in its territory.

3. Where the members of the family of a person receiving a pension uder the legislation of one Contracting Party or pensions under the legislation of both Contracting Parties are resident in the territory of a Contracting Party other than that in which the pensioner himself resides, they shall receive benefits in kind as if the pensioner were resident in the same territory, provided that he is entitled to benefits under the legislation of a Contracting Party.

The benefits shall be provided at the expense of the competent institution by the institution of the place of residence of the members of the family according to the provisions of the legislation which it applies, as if they were entitled to such benefits under that legislation.

4. If the members of the family referred to in the preceding paragraph transfer their residence to the territory of the Contracting Party in which the pensioner resides, they shall be entitled to benefits in kind in accordance with the legislation of that Party, even if they have already received benefits for the same case of sickness and maternity before transferring their residence.

5. A person receiving a pension under the legislation of one Contracting Party and who is entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of this Contracting Party, shall as well as the members of his family, be entitled to such benefits during a temporary stay in the territory of the Contracting Party other than the one in whose territory they reside, when their condition requires the immediate provision of such benefits.

6. In the case referred to in the preceding paragraph, the benefits in kind shall be provided at the expense of the institution of the place of residence of the pensioner or the members of the family, by the institution of the place of temporary stay, according to its legislation, as if the person concerned were entitled to such benefits under this legislation. The period during which benefits are provided shall, however, be that laid down under the legislation of the State of residence. The provisions of Article 18, paragraph 4, are applicable by analogy.

7. Where the legislation of a Contracting Party provides for the contributions to be deducted from the pension payable for the purpose of entitlement to benefits in kind, the institution of the Contracting Party which pays the pension shall be authorized to make such deductions if the cost of benefits in kind is borne by an institution of that Contracting Party by virtue of this Article.

8. The provisions of this Article shall not be applicable to members of the family who are entitled to benefits in kind under the legislation of the Contracting Party in the territory of which they reside because of their gainful occupation or their receiving social security benefit of the Contracting Party in whose territory they reside.

9. The provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article shall not be applicable to persons who are going to the territory of the Contracting Party other than the one in whose territory they reside, for the purpose of receiving medical treatment.

Article 20


1. The benefits in kind provided according to this chapter shall be refunded by the competent institutions or, where appropriate, by the institutions of the place of residence, to the institutions who have provided these benefits.

2. The refunds shall be determined and made in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Administrative Arrangement referred to in Article 37, either on production of proof of actual expenditure or on the basis of lump-sum payments.

Chapter 2
Disability, old-age and death


Article 21

1. Where pursuant to Croatian legislation a person does not satisfy conditions for the acquisition, retention or recovery of the entitlement to benefits exclusively on the basis of periods of insurance or other periods completed under Croatian legislation, the competent institution shall also take into account for the entitlement of the nationals of one of the Contracting Parties to such benefits, insurance periods completed under the Netherlands legislation, as if they were completed under the Croatian legislation.

2. Where, notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article a person does not satisfy conditions for the benefit, the Croatian insurance institution shall take into account, for the nationals of one of the Contracting Parties, insurance periods completed in third States with which both Contracting Parties have concluded separate Social Security Agreements, which provide for adding together insurance periods in such cases. Where only the Republic of Croatia has such a bilateral agreement with a third State the Croatian institution shall take into account the insurance periods completed by Croatian nationals in that third State, unless otherwise provided in that bilateral agreement.

3. The provisions in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article concerning totalization of insurance periods shall only be applicable to insurance periods completed in other states in so far as they do not coincide with Croatian periods.

4. The provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article shall only be applicable if the total insurance period completed under the Croatian legislation is at least 12 months, unless the minimum qualifying period is less than 12 months.

Article 22

Where a person qualifies for a benefit under the Croatian legislation without totalizing of the periods referred to in Article 21, the Croatian insurance institution shall grant the benefit calculated exclusively on the basis of insurance periods completed under the Croatian legislation.

This provision shall also be applicable to an insured person who qualifies for a benefit under the legislation of the other Contracting Party, calculated in accordance with Articles 28 and 31.

Article 23

Where entitlement to a benefit under the Croatian legislation is subject to totalization of the insurance periods referred to in Article 21 the competent institution shall determine the amount of the benefit in the following manner:

a. it shall first calculate the theoretical amount of the benefit which would be payable if all the insurance periods added together had been completed under the Croatian legislation;

b. the institution shall then calculate the real amount of the benefit payable on the basis of the theoretical amount calculated according to the provisions of subparagraph a. in proportion to the ratio between the duration of the insurance periods completed under the legislation applied by this institution and the total duration of the insurance periods referred to in Article 21;

c. where the total duration of the insurance periods added together as provided in Article 21 exceeds the maximum duration specified under the Croatian legislation for the calculation of the maximum benefit rate the competent insurance institution shall, for the calculation of the benefit referred to in subparagraphs a and b, take into consideration the above mentioned maximum duration, instead of the totalized periods;

d. the provisions under subparagraphs a, b and c do not apply when the calculation on the basis of the Croatian legislation is more favourable for the person concerned.

Article 24

When calculating the benefit the Croatian insurance institutions shall take into consideration only salaries or earnings received or contributions paid under the Croatian legislation.

Article 25

Benefits awarded under the Croatian legislation in accordance with Articles 21 to 24 shall not be recalculated in case of a subsequently awarded benefit under the Netherlands legislation.

Article 26

In case of death of an insured person who was entitled to or who received a pension in accordance with the provisions referred to in Articles 21 to 25 his survivors are entitled to survivors pensions.


Article 27


Where a national of one of the Contracting Parties, at the time when incapacity for work followed by invalidity occureed, was subject to Croatian legislation on pensions and entitled to Croatian pension on invalidity, and had previously completed a total insurance period of at least 12 months under the Netherlands legislation on invalidity insurance, he shall be entitled to a benefit under the latter legislation, calculated according to the rules of Article 28.

Article 28

1. The amount of the benefit referred to in Article 27 shall be calculated in proportion to the ratio of the total length of the periods of insurance completed by the person concerned under the Netherlands legislation after the age of 15 years to the period between the date on which he reached the age of 15 and the date of his incapacity for work followed by invalidity.

2. If, at the time when incapacity for work followed by invalidity occurred, the person concerned was an employed person or a person treated as such, the benefit due shall be determined according to the Disablement Insurance Act of 18 February 1996 (WAO). If not, the benefit due shall be determined according to the Selfemployed Persons Disablement Benefits Act (WAZ) of 24 April 1997.

3. As periods of insurance completed under the Netherlands legislation shall be considered:

a. periods of insurance completed under the Disablement Insurance Act of 18 February 1966 (WAO);

b. periods of insurance completed under the General Disablement Insurance Act of 11 December 1975 (AAW);

c. periods of insurance completed under the Selfemployed Persons Disablement Benefits Act (WAZ) of 24 April 1997;

d. periods of employment and periods treated as such completed in the Netherlands before 1 July 1967.

4. In the case referred to in paragraph 2, first sentence of this Article, when an insurance period under the WAZ coincides with and insurance period under the WAO, only the period completed under the AAW shall be taken into account.

5. In the case referred to in paragraph 2, second sentence of this Article, when an insurance period under the WAZ coincides with an insurance period under the WAO, only the period completed under the AAW shall be taken into account.

Article 29


1. In case of old age the Netherlandsž insurance institution determines the pension directly and exclusively on the basis of the periods of insurance completed under the Netherlandsž legislation on old age insurance.

2. The reduction referred to in Article 13, paragraph 1 of the law on general old-age insurance (AOW) shall not be applied to calendar years or parts thereof before the entry into force of this Convention during which a married woman or a woman who had been previously married between the age of 15 years and 65 years, residing in Croatia during the marriage, was not insured under the abovementioned law in so far as the calendar years or parts thereof coincide with periods of insurance completed by her husband under that legislation.

By way of derogation from Article 7 of the AOW, the said woman shall be considered as being entitled to a pension.

3. The reduction referred to in Article 13, paragraph 2 of the AOW shall not be applied to calendar years or parts thereof before the entry into force of this Convention during which the married woman of the pensioner resided in Croatia between the age of 15 years and 65 years and was not insured under the abovementioned legislation in so far as the calendar years or parts thereof coincide with periods of insurance completed by her husband under that legislation.

4. The provisions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be applied only if the person concerned has resided for six years in the territory of Croatia or the Netherlands after the age of 59 years and for as long as that person is residing in the territory of one of these Member States.

5. By way of derogation from the provisions of Article 45, paragraph 1 of the AOW, and Article 63, paragraph 1 of the law on general insurance for survivors (ANW), the spouse of an employed person covered by a compulsory insurance scheme residing in Croatia shall be authorized to take out voluntary insurance under that legislation but only for the periods after the entry into force of this Convention during which the employed person is or was compulsorily insured under the abovementioned legislation. This authorization ceases on the date of termination of the compulsory insurance of the employed person.

The aforementioned authorization shall not cease however, where the compulsory insurance of the employed person is terminated as a result of his death and where his spouse receives only a pension under the ANW.

In any event the authorization in respect of voluntary insurance ceases on the date on which the voluntarily insured person reaches the age of 65 years.

The contribution which has to be paid for the aforementioned voluntary insurance shall be determined fot the spouse of an employed person who is compulsorily insured under the AOW and the ANW in accordance with the provisions relating to the determination of the contribution of compulsory insurance, subject to the condition that his/her income shall be deemed to have been received in the Netherlands.

For the spouse of an employed person who was compulsorily insured on or after the date of entry into force of this Convention the contribution shall be determined in accordance with the provisions relating to the determination of the contribution for voluntary insurance under the Netherlands legislation on general old-age insurance and the Netherlands legislation on general insurance for survivors.

6. The authorization referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article shall be granted only if the spouse of an employed person has informed the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (Social Insurance Bank) not later than one year after commencement of his/her compulsory insurance period of the intention to take out voluntary insurance.

For the spouse of an employed person who was compulsorily insured immediately prior to or on the date of entry into force of this Convention, the period of one year shall commence on the date of the entry into force of this Convention.

7. The provisions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall not be applicable to periods coinciding with periods which may be taken into account for the calculation of pension rights under the legislation governing old-age pensions in a State other than the Netherlands, or for periods during which the person concerned received an old-age pension under such legislation.

8. The provisions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall only be applied to the spouses who have taken out voluntary insurance under Netherlands legislation according to paragraph 5 of this Article.

Article 30


When a national of one of the Contracting Parties at the time of his death was subject to Croatian legislation on pensions and had previously completed a total insurance period of at least 12 months under the Netherlands legislation on survivors insurance, his spouse or his orphans shall be entitled to benefits under this legislation, calculated in accordance with the rules of Article 31.

Article 31

The amount of the benefit referred to in Article 30 shall be calculated in proportion to the ratio of the total length of the periods of insurance completed by the deceased under the Netherlands legislation before he reached the age of 65 to the period between the date on which he reached the age of 15 years and the date of his death, but at the latest the date on which he reached the age od 65 years.

Chapter 3

Article 32

If the legislation of both Contracting Parties has been applicable to a person, then the periods of insurance of employment, which are to be taken into consideration according to both Partiesž legislation, shall be added together fot the acquisition, retention or recovery of the right to receive unemployment benefits, in so far as these periods do not coincide.

Article 33

An employed person, residing in the territory of a Contracting Party, moving to the territory of the other Contracting Party and being last subject to the legislation of this Contracting Party, is entitled to unemployment benefits under the legislation of the latter Contracting Party during his stay on its territory, if:

a. he satisfies the conditions of the legislation of that Party, taking into account the totalisation of periods of insurance of Article 32; and

b. he has been employed in the territory of that Party for at least four weeks in total during the last twelve months before submitting the claim; and

c. he has been licensed for working in the territory of that Party according to its legislation on the placement of foreign workers.

Article 34

When calculating the benefit, in cases where this Chapter applies, only income accrued in the territory of the Contracting Party which pays the benefit shall be taken into account.

Chapter 4
Childrenžs allowances

Article 35

1. A person covered under the legislation on childrenžs allowances of one Contracting Party shall be entitled to childrenžs allowances under its legislation even if the child resides in the territory of the other Contracting Party.

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall be applied as long as the Netherlands legislation allows the payment of childrenžs allowances on behalf of children residing outside the territory of the Netherlands.

Article 36

If the conditions for the entitlement to childrenžs allowances are satisfied under the legislations of both Contracting Parties the entitlement to childrenžs allowances shall be awarded solely under the legislation of the Contracting Party in whose territory the child resides.


Article 37


The competent authorities shall agree on provisions for the implementation of this Convention by way of an administrative arrangement. Furthermore, they shall designate liaison bodies in their respective territories to facilitate the implementation of this Convention.

Article 38


1. The competent authorities shall communicate to each other all amendments in their legislations which are of substantial significance to the application of this Convention.

2. For the purpose of applying this Convention, the authorities and insurance institutions of the Contracting Parties shall lend their good offices as though applying their own legislations. Such mutual administrative assistance shall be provided free of charge.

3. The authorities and insurance institutions of the Contracting Parties may for the purpose of applying this Convention, communicate directly with each other and with the persons concemed or their representatives.

4. The authorities, insurance institutions and jurisdictions of a Contracting Party may not reject claims or other documents submitted to them by reason of the fact that they are written in a foreign language, provided they are in the official language of the other Contracting Party or in the English or the French language.

Article 39


1. Medical examinations of persons who are resident or present in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be carried out by the institution of this Contracting Party at the request and at the expense of the competent institution. Costs of medical examinations which are required by competent institutions of both Contracting Parties shall not be refunded.

2. However, the competent institution reserves the right to have the person concerned examined by a doctor of its own choice in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties.

Article 40


The competent authorities, liaison bodies and insurance institutions of the Contracting Parties shall correspond with each other in the English or the French language.

Article 41


Any exemption granted in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties from stamp duty, notarial or registration fees in respect of certificates and documents required to be submitted to authorities and insurance institutions in the same territory, shall also apply to certificates and documents which, for the purpose of the implementation of this Convention, have to be submitted to authorities and insurance institutions in the territory of the other Contracting Party. Documents and certificates required to be produced for the purpose of the implementation of this Convention shall be exempted from authentication by diplomatic or consular authorities.

Article 42


1. Applications, appeals and other documents which, in accordance with the legislation of a Contracting Party, have to be submitted to an authority or insurance institution within a specified period shall be admissible if they are submitted within the same period to a corresponding authority or insurance institution of the other Contracting Party. The authority or insurance institution of the latter Contracting Party shall without delay forward them to the authority or insurance institution of the former Contracting Party. The date on which these documents were submitted to the authority or insurance institution of the latter Contracting Party shall be considered as the date of their submission to the authority or insurance institution of the former Contracting Party.

2. An application for a benefit submitted in accordance with the legislation of one Contracting Party shall be considered as an application for the corresponding benefit under the legislation of the other Contracting Party. With respect to old-age pensions, however, this shall not apply if the applicant states or if it is quite evident that the application refers solely to a pension under the legislation of the former Contracting Party.

Article 43


For being entitled to or for maintaining the entitlement to a benefit in cash according to the legislation of one or both Contracting Parties a claimant is obliged to identify himself or herself towards the institution of the place of residence or of temporary stay by way of an official identification card. This institution duly identifies the person on persentation of his or her identification card. An identification card is a passport or another valid identification document delivered by the competent authority of the place of residence. The institution informs the other institution that the identity has been duly verified, by sending a copy of the identification card.

Article 44


1. The competent institution of the Contracting Party with which an application for benefits has been filed shall verify the accuracy of the information pertaining to the applicant and the members of his family and provide such evidence and other documentation as may be necessary for the institution of the other Contracting Party to complete action on the claim.

2. Paragraph 1 of this Article applies mutatis mutandis if the competent institution of one of the Contracting Parties makes a request for verification of information with the institution of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of establishing the legitimacy of payments to the beneficiaries residing in the territories of the respective Contracting Parties.

3. The information referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article also includes information on income and household status.

4. The competent institutions of the Contracting Parties may communicate directly with each other and with their respective beneficiaries or their representatives.

5. The diplomatic and consular representatives and the institutions of the Contracting Parties may request information directly from authorities in the territory of the other Contracting Party for the purpose of establishing entitlement to benefit and the legitimacy of payments in respect of the respective beneficiaries of the Contacting Parties.

Article 45


1. Where, under this Convention, an insuarance institution of a Contracting Party is liable to pay cash benefits to a beneficiary who is in the territory of the other Contracting Party, its liability shall be expressed in the currency of the first Contracting Party.

2. Where, under this Convention, an insurance institution of a Contracting Party is liable to make payments to an insurance institution of the other Contracting Party, its liability shall be expressed in the currency of the second Contracting Party. The first insurance institution shall validly discharge its liability in that currency, unless otherwise agreed between the relevant institutions.

3. Money transfers which result from the application of this Convention shall be effected in accordance with the relevant agreements in force between the Contracting Parties at the date of transfer.

4. In the event of restrictions on currency being enforced by one of the Contracting Parties, both Contracting Parties shall immediately agree upon necessary measures to ensure the transfer between the territories of both Contracting Parties of any amount payable pursuant to this Convention.

5. In the event there is no convertibility between the Netherlands and the Croatian currencies the payments between institutions for the application of Articles 20 and 39 of this Convention will be calculated on the basis of the indicative exchange rate applying at the date on which the payment can be made, as advised by the Netherlands Central Bank, unless otherwise agreed between the relevant institutions.

6. In the event there is no convertibility between the Netherlands and the Croatian currencies the undue payments or the contributions for the application of Articles 46 and 47 will be calculated on the basis of the indicative exchange rate as advised by the Netherlands Central Bank at the date of the decisions on the recovery of undue payments and on the collection of contributions.

Article 46


1. The Contracting Parties recognize each other final administrative or judicial decisions on the recovery of undue payments made under their legislations, provided that such decisions are legally enforceable.

2. The Contracting Parties will lend their good offices regarding the implementation of decisions as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. At the request of a competent institution the other institution will initiate legal proceedings to implement decisions as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in accordance with its own legislation. The costs of these proceedings shall be reimbursed by the requesting institution.

4. If, when awarding or reviewing benefits in respect of invalidity, old age or death pursuant to the Convention, the competent institution of one of the Contracting Parties has paid to a recipient of benefits a sum in excess of that to which he is entitled, that institution may request the competent institution of the other Party responsible for the payment of corresponding benefits to that recipient to deduct the amount overpaid from the arears which it pays to the said recipient. The latter institution shall transfer the amount deducted to the creditor institution. Where the amount overpaid cannot be deducted from the arrears the provisions of paragraph 5 of this Article shall apply.

5. When the competent institution of a Contracting Party has paid to a recipient of benefits a sum in excess of that to which he is entitled, that institution may, within the conditions and limits laid down by the legislation which it administers, request the competent institution of the other Contracting Party responsible for the payment of benefits to that recipient, to deduct the amount overpaid from the amounts which it pays to the said recipient. The latter institution shall make the deduction under the conditions and within the limits provided for such setting-off by the legislation which it administers, as if the sums had been overpaid by itself, and shall transfer the amount deducted to the creditor institution.

Article 47


1. The Contracting Parties recognize each others final administrative or judicial decisions on the collection of contributions, made under their legislations, provided that such decisions are legally enforceable.

2. The Contracting Parties will lend their good offices regarding the implementation of the decisions as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.

3. At the request of a competent institution the other institution will initiate legal proceedings to implement decisions as referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article in accordance with its own legislation. The costs of these proceedings shall be reimbursed by the requesting institution.

Article 48


1. Disputes arising in connection with the application of this Convention are to be resolved by negotiations between the competent authorities.

2. If the dispute has not been settled within six months following the first request to start the negotiations prescribed in paragraph 1 of this Article it shall be submitted to an arbitral tribunal which shall be constituted in the following manner:

a. Within a month from the date on which either Contracting Party receives a written notice requesting the arbitration, each Contracting Party shall appoint one arbitrator. Those two arbitrators shall, within further two months from the date on which the Contracting Party which last appointed its arbitrator notices the other Party of its own appointment, designate a third arbitrator.

b. If either Contracting Party fails to appoint an arbitrator within the specified period the other Party may invite the President of the International Court of Justice to make the necessary appointments. The same shall be done, upon request of both Contracting Parties, if both arbitrators fail to agree upon the appointment of the third arbitrator.

c. When the President of the International Court of Justice is a national of either Contracting Party the functions provided under this Article shall be transferred to the Vice-President of the Court or the next most senior members of this Court, who is not a national of either Contracting Party.

3. The arbitral tribunal shall reach its decision by a majority of votes. Such decision shall be binding upon both Contracting Parties. Each Contracting Party shall bear the cost of its appointed arbitrator. The remaining costs shall be borne in equal parts by both Contracting Parties. The arbitral tribunal shall determine its own procedure.


Article 49


1. Subject to paragraph 3 of this Article this Convention shall also apply to contingencies arising prior to its entry into force. However, no benefits shall be provided under this Convention with respect to any period prior to its entry into force, although periods of insurance or residence completed before the said entry into force shall be taken into account in the determination of benefits.

2. Provisions in the laws of the Contracting Parties concerning the prescription and the termination of the right to cash benefits shall not apply to rights arising out of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article, provided that the beneficiary submits his application for a benefit within two years after the date of entry into force of this Convention.

3. Benefits that have been awarded before the date of entry into force of this Convention and in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on Social Security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of 11 May 1977, shall be maintained on the basis of the last mentioned Convention. However, if the method of determining benefits or the rules for calculating benefits including by reason of an increase in the cost of living or changes in the level of wages or salaries or other reasons for adjustment should be altered, a recalculation shall be carried out in accordance with this Convention.

Article 50


The Convention on Social Security between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, signed at Belgrade on 11 May 1977, shall in relation to the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands be replaced by this Convention and shall cease to be in force from the date of entry into force of this Convention.

Article 51


1. This Convention may be denounced by either of the Contracting Parties. Notice of denunciation shall be given in written form through diplomatic channels not less than three months before the expiry of the current calendar year, whereupon the Convention shall cease to be in force at the expiry of the calendar year in which it is denounced.

2. If the Convention is denounced, its provisions shall continue to apply to benefits which have already been acquired, notwithstanding any provision that may have been enacted in the legislation of the two Contracting Parties concerning restrictions of the right to benefits in connection with residence in, or citizenship of, other countries. Any right to future benefits which may have been acquired by virtue of the Convention shall be settled by special agreement.

Article 52


The Final Protocol attached to this Convention forms an integral part of this Convention.

Article 53


Both Contracting Parties shall notify each other in writing of the accomplishment of their respective relevant procedures under their national legislation through diplomatic channels required for the entry into force of the present Convention. The Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the third month after the date of the last notification.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, duly authorised by their respective Governments, have signed this Convention.

DONE in duplicate at Zagreb, on this 11th day of September, 1998, in the English language only.

FOR THE REPUBLIC OF                                                        FOR THE KINGDOM OF
      CROATIA                                                                               THE NETHERLANDS

                                                         Joso Škara                                                                            Josef Willem Scheffers


At the moment of signing the Convention between the Republic of Croatia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on social security, the undersigned plenipotentiaries have agreed as follows:

Application of the Netherlands legislation on health insurances

1. As regards entitlement to benefits in kind under the Netherlands legislation, Chapter 1 of Part III of this Convention is only applicable to persons who are insured under the provisions of the Health Insurance Act (Ziekenfondswet).

2. For the purpose of Article 19 of this Convention, the following pensions shall be treated as pensions due under the Netherlands legislation:

- pensions pursuant to the law of 6 January 1966 establishing a new pension scheme for civil servants and their survivors (Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet);

- pensions pursuant to the law of 6 October 1966 establishing a new pension scheme for servicemen and their survivors (Algemene militaire pensioenwet);

- pensions pursuant to the law of 15 February 1967 establishing a new pension scheme for members of the personnel of the Netherlands Railways and their survivors (Spoorwegpensioenwet);

- pensions pursuant to the Regulation on conditions of employment of the Netherlands Railways (R.D.V. 1964. N.S.);

- a retirement benefit for persons aged under 65 provided under a pension scheme designated to provide an old age pension to employed persons and formerly employed persons and

- a benefit on account of accelerated retifement from professional activities under a scheme laid down by the government or under a regulation laid down according to a collective labour agreement concerning accelerated retirement or under such regulation indicated by the »Ziekenfondsraad«.

3. The members of the family referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2, or the person or the members of the family referred t oin article 16, or the pensioner and the members of his family referred to in Article 19, paragraphs 2 and 3, of the Convention, who are residing in the Netherlands but who are entitled to benefits in kind at the expense of the Republic of Croatia, are not insured under the Exceptional Medical Expenses Act (AWBZ).

4. The provisions of Article 18, paragraphs 1, 3, 4, 6 and 7 (in case of temporary stay) and of Article 19, paragraphs 5, 6 and 9, are applicable to all persons who are insured under the legislation of the Netherlands, irrespective of theier nationality.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed the Final Protocol.

Done in duplicate at Zagreb on this 11th day of September, 1998 in the English language.

FOR THE GOVERNMENT                                                     FOR THE GOVERNMENT
OF THE REPUBLIC                                                               OF THE KINGDOM
         OF CROATIA:                                                              OF THE NETHERLANDS:

  Joso Škara                                                                       Josef Willem Scheffers



Republika Hrvatska


Kraljevina Nizozemska

želeći urediti odnose između dviju država na području socijalnog osiguranja, te uzimajući u obzir činjenicu da se sadašnji odnosi između dviju država temelje na razmjeni pisama od 25. veljače 1992. i 21. travnja 1992., dogovorile su se da zaključe Ugovor sa sljedećim odredbama:


Članak 1.


(1) U ovom Ugovoru

a) »Hrvatska« označava Republiku Hrvatsku, a »Nizozemska« označava Kraljevinu Nizozemsku;

b) »područje« znači

u odnosu na Hrvatsku: područje Republike Hrvatske;

u odnosu na Nizozemsku: područje te Kraljevine u Europi;

c) »državljanin« označava, u odnosu na Hrvatsku, osobu s državljanstvom Republike Hrvatske, a u odnosu na Nizozemsku, osobu s nizozemskim državljanstvom;

d) »zaposlena osoba« označava osobu koju zapošljava neki poslodavac, kao i bilo koju drugu osobu koja je, prema zakonodavstvu koje se primjenjuje, izjednačena sa zaposlenom osobom;

e) »zakonodavstvo« označava zakone, uredbe i propise koji se odnose na sustave i grane socijalnog osiguranja navedene u članku 2.;

f) »nadležno tijelo« označava, u odnosu na Hrvatsku:

ministra rada i socijalne skrbi i

ministra zdravstva;

u odnosu na Nizozemsku: ministra za socijalna pitanja i zapošljavanje, te, za davanja u naravi prema zakonodavstvu o zdravstvenom osiguranju, ministra za zdravstvo, socijalnu skrb i šport;

g) »nositelj osiguranja« označava ustanovu ili tijelo zaduženo za primjenu zakonodavstva iz članka 2. ili nekog od njegovih dijelova;

h) »nadležni nositelj« označava ustanovu koja je nadležna prema zakonodavstvu koje se primjenjuje;

i) »nadležna država« označava ugovornu stranku na čijem se području nalazi nadležni nositelj;

j) »razdoblje osiguranja« označava razdoblje za koje su uplaćeni doprinosi, razdoblje zaposlenja, razdoblje prebivanja ili bilo koje drugo razdoblje koje je definirano, priznato ili se tretira kao razdoblje osiguranja prema zakonodavstvu koje se na tu osobu u tom razdoblju primjenjuje;

k) »mirovina ili novčano davanje« označava mirovinu ili novčano davanje prema zakonodavstvu koje se primjenjuje, uključujući sve sastavne dijelove takvog davanja, koji se financiraju iz javnih sredstava, kao i sva povećanja i isplate plaće za vrijeme bolovanja;

l) »član obitelji« označava osobu koja je definirana ili priznata kao takva u zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke na čijem području takva osoba prebiva; međutim, ako to zakonodavstvo članovima obitelji smatra samo osobe koje s dotičnom osobom žive, smatrat će se da je taj uvjet zadovoljen, ako dotična osoba takve osobe pretežno uzdržava;

m) »nositelj u prebivalištu« označava ustanovu koja je, prema zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke koje ta ustanova primjenjuje, ovlaštena za pružanje tih davanja u prebivalištu ili, ako takva ustanova ne postoji, ustanovu koju odredi nadležno tijelo te ugovorne stranke;

n) »nositelj u mjestu privremenog boravka« označava ustanovu koja je, prema zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke koje ta ustanova primjenjuje, ovlaštena za pružanje tih davanja u mjestu privremenog boravka ili, ako takva ustanova ne postoji, ustanovu koju odredi nadležno tijelo te ugovorne stranke.

(2) Ostale riječi i izrazi u ovom Ugovoru imaju značenje koje im pripada u zakonodavstvu koje se primjenjuje.

Članak 2.


(1) Ovaj Ugovor primjenjuje se

A. u odnosu na Hrvatsku: na zakonodavstvo o:

a) zdravstvenom osiguranju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti (davanja u naravi i novčana davanja u slučaju bolesti i majčinstva);

b) mirovinskom i invalidskom osiguranju (starosne, invalidske i obiteljske mirovine, uključujući davanja za slučaj nesreće na poslu i profesionalne bolesti, te druge mirovine i davanja iz invalidskog osiguranja);

c) osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti (novčana davanja za vrijeme nezaposlenosti);

d) doplatku za djecu.

B. u odnosu na Nizozemsku: na zakonodavstvo o:

a) zdravstvenom osiguranju (novčana davanja i davanja u naravi u slučaju bolesti i majčinstva), uključujući sustav koji predviđa obvezu poslodavca;

b) invalidskom osiguranju;

c) starosnom osiguranju;

d) osiguranju nadživjelih članova obitelji;

e) osiguranju za slučaj nezaposlenosti;

f) doplatku za djecu.

(2) Uz rezervu stavaka 3. i 4. ovog članka, Ugovor se primjenjuje i na sva zakonodavstva kojima se kodificira, mijenja ili nadopunjuje zakonodavstvo navedeno u stavku 1. ovog članka.

(3) Ovaj se Ugovor primjenjuje na svako zakonodavstvo jedne ugovorne stranke kojim se zakonodavstvo, navedeno u stavku 1. ovog članka, proširuje na nove kategorije osoba, ako ta ugovorna stranka u roku od šest mjeseci nakon službene objave takvog zakonodavstva ne obavijesti drugu ugovornu stranku da se Ugovor na to zakonodavstvo neće primjenjivati.

(4) Ovaj se Ugovor ne primjenjuje na zakonodavstvo kojim se uvodi neka nova grana socijalnog osiguranja, osim ako je tako dogovoreno između ugovornih stranaka.

(5) Ovaj se Ugovor ne primjenjuje na programe socijalne zaštite, kao ni na posebne programe osiguranja državnih službenika ili osoba koje se takvima tretiraju.

Članak 3.


Nije li ovim Ugovorom drukčije određeno, on će se primjenjivati na

a) osobe za koje vrijedi ili je vrijedilo zakonodavstvo jedne ili obiju ugovornih stranaka;

b) osobe čija prava potječu od osoba navedenih pod slovom a) ovog članka.

Članak 4.


Nije li ovim Ugovorom drukčije određeno, državljani bilo koje ugovorne stranke imaju, za vrijeme boravka ili prebivanja na području jedne od ugovornih stranaka, iste obveze i prava glede primjene zakonodavstva te ugovorne stranke kao i državljani te ugovorne stranke.

Članak 5.


(1) Nije li ovim Ugovorom drukčije određeno, mirovine i ostala novčana davanja za slučaj starosti, invalidnosti i smrti, stečena prema zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke, ne smiju se smanjivati, mijenjati, obustaviti ili oduzeti radi toga što korisnik boravi ili prebiva na području druge ugovorne stranke.

(2) Nije li ovim Ugovorom drukčije određeno, novčana će se davanja prema zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke, isplaćivati osobama navedenima u članku 3., koje borave ili prebivaju izvan područja ugovornih stranaka, pod istim uvjetima i u istoj visini kao i državljanima te ugovorne stranke koji borave ili prebivaju izvan navedenih područja.

Članak 6.


(1) Zakonske odredbe jedne ugovorne stranke o smanjenju, obustavi ili ukidanju davanja iz jedne grane socijalnog osiguranja koja se preklapaju s davanjima iz neke druge grane, s drugim prihodima, ili nekom profesionalnom djelatnošću, primjenjivat će se na korisnika i u odnosu na davanja stečena prema zakonodavstvu druge ugovorne stranke, kao i u odnosu na prihode ili djelatnost koja se obavlja na području druge ugovorne stranke.

(2) Ako davanja koja pripadaju prema zakonodavstvima ugovornih stranaka podliježu smanjenju, obustavi ili ukidanju svote davanja koje se ne bi isplaćivale uz strogu primjenu odredaba o smanjenju, obustavi ili ukidanju, dijele se brojem davanja koje takvom smanjenju, obustavi ili ukidanju podliježu.


Članak 7.


(1) Na osobe za koje vrijede odredbe ovog dijela Ugovora primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo samo jedne ugovorne stranke. To će se zakonodavstvo utvrditi sukladno odredbama od čl. 8. do 13.

(2) Za osobu, na koju se primjenjuje zakonodavstvo jedne ugovorne stranke u skladu s odredbama ovog dijela, smatrat će se da prebiva na području te ugovorne stranke.

Članak 8.


(1) Na osobu zaposlenu na području jedne ugovorne stranke, primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo te ugovorne stranke čak i ako prebiva na području druge ugovorne stranke, ili ako se registrirani ured ili sjedište poduzeća, ili pojedinca koji tu osobu zapošljava, nalazi na području druge ugovorne stranke.

(2) Na osobu zaposlenu na području obiju ugovornih stranaka, primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo one ugovorne stranke na čijem području ta osoba prebiva. Ne prebiva li osoba na području nijedne od ugovornih stranaka, na nju će se primjenjivati zakonodavstvo one ugovorne stranke na čijem području poslodavac ima glavno sjedište.

(3) Na prijevozno osoblje zaposleno u poduzeću, koje za najamninu, naknadu ili na vlastiti račun pruža usluge međunarodnog željezničkog, cestovnog ili zračnog prijevoza putnika ili robe primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo ugovorne stranke na čijem području poduzeće ima sjedište, čak i onda ako ta zaposlena osoba prebiva na području druge ugovorne stranke.

Međutim, ako je ta osoba zaposlena u podružnici ili stalnom zastupstvu koje to poduzeće ima na području druge ugovorne stranke, ili je zaposlena i prebiva na području te stranke, na nju će se primjenjivati zakonodavstvo te ugovorne stranke.

Članak 9.


Članak 8. stavak 1. primjenjuje se sa sljedećim iznimkama i pod sljedećim uvjetima:

na osobu zaposlenu na području jedne ugovorne stranke, koju poslodavac pri kojemu ona normalno radi pošalje na područje druge ugovorne stranke radi obavljanja određenog posla za tog poslodavca, za vrijeme dok traje plaćeno zaposlenje pri tom poslodavcu, i dalje će se za trajanja toga posla, primjenjivati zakonodavstvo prve ugovorne stranke, kao da je još uvijek zaposlena na području te ugovorne stranke, pod uvjetom da taj posao ne traje duže od dvije godine, i da je potvrda o detaširanju dostavljena u roku od prvih triju mjeseci toga razdoblja. Uzastopna detaširanja istog zaposlenika od strane istog poslodavca smatrat će se jednim detaširanjem, osim ako između njih prođe dvanaest ili više mjeseci.

Članak 10.


Članak 9. jednako se primjenjuje, ali bez vremenskog ograničenja, na izaslane državne dužnosnike.

Članak 11.


Na osobu zaposlenu na brodu, koja prebiva na području jedne ugovorne stranke primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo ugovorne stranke na čijem području poslodavac ima registrirati ured ili mjesto djelatnosti.

Članak 12.


(1) Na državljane jedne ugovorne stranke koje vlada te ugovorne stranke pošalje na područje druge ugovorne stranke, kao članove diplomatskog izaslanstva ili konzularne službe, primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo prve ugovorne stranke.

(2) Na osobe zaposlene u diplomatskom predstavništvu ili konzularnoj službi jedne od ugovornih stranaka na području druge ugovorne stranke, primjenjivat će se zakonodavstvo druge ugovorne stranke.

(3) Zapošljava li diplomatsko predstavništvo ili konzularna služba jedne od ugovornih stranaka osobe na koje se, sukladno stavku 2. ovog članka, primjenjuje zakonodavstvo druge ugovorne stranke, predstavništvo ili služba je obvezna poštovati obveze koje prema zakonodavstu te ugovorne stranke vrijede za poslodavce.

(4) Odredbe st. 2. i 3. ovog članka jednako vrijede za osobe koje privatno zapošljava neka od osoba spomenutih u stavku 1. ovoga članka.

(5) Odredbe stavaka 1. do 4. ovog članka ne vrijede za počasne članove konzularnih predstavništava ili osobe koje oni privatno zapošljavaju.

Članak 13.


Nadležna tijela dviju ugovornih stranaka ili službe koje ta tijela odrede mogu se u interesu zaposlenih osoba dogovoriti o iznimkama iz odredaba čl. od 8. do 12. i uvesti obvezno osiguranje prema odgovarajućem zakonodavstvu.


Poglavlje 1.

Bolest i majčinstvo

Članak 14.


(1) Osobama koje su navršile razdoblja osiguranja prema zakonodavstvu obiju ugovornih stranaka ta će se razdoblja zbrojiti radi stjecanja, održavanja ili ponovnog uspostavljanja prava na davanja, ukoliko se ta razdoblja ne poklapaju.

(2) Uvjetuje li zakonodavstvo jedne ugovorne stranke pristup obveznom osiguranju navršavanjem razdoblja osiguranja, takva će se razdoblja, navršena prema zakonodavstvu druge ugovorne stranke, u potrebnoj mjeri uzeti u obzir radi zbrajanja staža, kao da se radi o razdobljima osiguranja navršenim prema zakonodavstvu prve ugovorne stranke.

Članak 15.


(1) Osobe koje prebivaju na području ugovorne stranke koja nije nadležna država i koje ispunjavaju uvjete za stjecanje prava, propisane zakonodavstvom nadležne države, uzimajući, po potrebi, u obzir odredbe članka 14., primat će na području ugovorne stranke u kojoj prebivaju:

a) davanja u naravi na teret nadležnog nositelja, a od strane nositelja u prebivalištu, sukladno odredbama zakonodavstva koje primjenjuje potonji nositelj, kao da su te osobe osigurane kod tog nositelja;

b) novčana davanja koja nadležni nositelj isplaćuje sukladno odredbama zakonodavstva koje primjenjuje, kao da te osobe prebivaju na području nadležne države.

(2) Odredbe prethodnog stavka jednako će se, u odnosu na davanja u naravi, primjenjivati na članove obitelji koji prebivaju na području ugovorne stranke koja nije nadležna država, ako oni nemaju pravo na takva davanja prema zakonodavstvu države na čijem području prebivaju, i to na osnovi plaćenog zaposlenja ili davanja iz socijalnog osiguranja koja primaju od ugovorne stranke na čijem području prebivaju.

Članak 16.


Preseli li osoba, koja je bila osigurana prema zakonodavstvu jedne od ugovornih stranaka, trajno na području druge stranke, ne ispunjavajući pritom uvjete za stjecanje prava na davanja prema zakonodavstvu druge stranke, a imala bi pravo na takva davanja prema zakonodavstvu prve ugovorne stranke kad bi prebivala na njenom području, to će se pravo zadržati.

U takvom slučaju jednako će vrijediti članak 18. stavci 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. i 7.

Članak 17.


(1) Osobe ili članovi njihovih obitelji, navedeni u članku 15., koji borave u nadležnoj državi ili presele na područje nadležne države, primaju davanja na području nadležne države, sukladno odredbama njenog zakonodavstva, čak i onda ako su već primale davanja za isti slučaj bolesti ili majčinstva prije promjene prebivališta; predviđa li zakonodavstvo koje primjenjuje nadležni nositelj neko maksimalno razdoblje za pružanje davanja, razdoblje u kojem su se ta davanja pružala netom prije promjene prebivališta, uzet će se u obzir.

(2) U slučaju privremenog boravka članova obitelji iz članka 15. stavak 2. na području nadležne države, jednako će se primjenjivati članak 18. st. 1. i 7.

Članak 18.


(1) Osoba koja ispunjava uvjete za pravo na davanje prema zakonodavstvu jedne od ugovornih stranaka ima pravo na takva davanja i za vrijeme privremenog boravka na području druge ugovorne stranke, ako njeno stanje zahtijeva hitno liječenje.

(2) Osoba koja ima pravo na davanja na teret nositelja jedne od ugovornh stranaka, a prebiva na području te stranke, zadržava to pravo ako trajno preseli na područje druge ugovorne stranke. Međutim, prije preseljenja ta je osoba obvezna pribaviti dozvolu nadležnog nositelja. Takva se dozvola može uskratiti samo ako se ustanovi da bi preseljenje osobe bilo štetno za njeno zdravlje ili bi ugrozilo liječenje.

(3) Osobi koja ima pravo na davanja sukladno odredbama prethodnih stavaka, davanja u naravi na teret nadležnog nositelja pružat će nositelj u mjestu privremenog boravka ili u prebivalištu, sukladno odredbama zakonodavstva koje primjenjuje potonji nositelj, kao da je ta osoba kod nje osigurana. Međutim, dužina razdoblja tijekom kojega će se davanja pružati odredit će se prema zakonodavstvu nadležne države.

(4) U slučajevima navedenima u stavku 1. i 2. ovog članka za proteze, veća pomagala i druga značajnija davanja u naravi - osim u slučaju bezuvjetne hitnosti - potrebna je dozvola nadležnog nositelja.

(5) U slučajevima navedenima u stavku 1. i 2. ovog članka nadležni će nositelj isplaćivati novčana davanja u skladu sa zakonodavstvom koje primjenjuje.

(6) Odredbe ovog članka jednako će se primjenjivati na članove obitelji te osobe.

(7) Odredbe stavka 1. i 6. ovog članka ne vrijede za osobe koje na područje ugovorne stranke, koja nije nadležna država, odlaze radi liječenja.

Članak 19.


(1) Ima li osoba koja prima mirovine prema zakonodavstvu obiju ugovornih stranaka pravo na davanja u naravi, prema zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke na čijem području prebiva, ta će davanja osobi i članovima njene obitelji pružati nositelj u prebivalištu na vlastiti teret kao da se radi o umirovljeniku isključivo prema zakonodavstvu potonje ugovorne stranke.

(2) Prebiva li osoba, koja prima mirovinu prema zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke, na području druge ugovorne stranke, a nema pravo na davanja u naravi prema zakonodavstvu potonje ugovorne stranke, nositelj u prebivalištu te osobe pruža, sukladno zakonodavstvu koje primjenjuje i na teret nadležnog nositelja, toj osobi i članovima njene obitelji davanja u naravi na koja ta osoba ima pravo prema zakonodavstvu prve ugovorne stranke, ili bi ga imala da prebiva na njenom području.

(3) Prebivaju li članovi obitelji osobe koja prima mirovinu prema zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke, ili mirovine prema zakonodavstvu obiju ugovornih stranaka, na području ugovorne stranke koja nije država prebivanja tog umirovljenika, oni će primati davanja u naravi kao da umirovljenik prebiva na istom području, pod uvjetom da on ima pravo na davanja prema zakonodavstvu jedne od ugovornih stranaka. Davanja će, na teret nadležnog nositelja, pružati nositelj u prebivalištu članova obitelji, sukladno odredbama zakonodavstva koje taj nositelj primjenjuje, kao da oni imaju pravo na takva davanja prema tom zakonodavstvu.

(4) Presele li članovi obitelji iz prethodnog stavka trajno na područje ugovorne stranke na kojem prebiva umirovljenik, imat će pravo na davanja u naravi sukladno zakonodavstvu te ugovorne stranke, čak i onda ako su već prije promjene prebivališta primali davanja za isti slučaj bolesti i majčinstva.

(5) Osoba koja prima mirovinu prema zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke i koja ima pravo na davanja u naravi prema zakonodavstvu te ugovorne stranke, imat će, isto kao i članovi njene obitelji, pravo na ta davanja tijekom privremenog boravka na području ugovorne stranke koja nije država njihovog prebivanja, ako njihovo stanje zahtijeva hitno pružanje takvih davanja.

(6) U slučaju iz prethodnog stavka davanja u naravi na teret nositelja u prebivalištu umirovljenika ili članova njegove obitelji, pruža nositelj u mjestu privremenog boravka sukladno svojem zakonodavstvu, kao da ta osoba ima pravo na takva davanja prema tom zakonodavstvu. Međutim, razdoblje pružanja takvih davanja utvrđuje se prema zakonodavstvu države prebivanja. Jednako se primjenjuje odredba članka 18. stavka 4.

(7) Predviđa li zakonodavstvo jedne ugovorne stranke da se za pravo na davanja u naravi plaćaju doprinosi iz mirovine, nositelj ugovorne stranke koji isplaćuje mirovinu ovlašten je oduzeti te doprinose, ako troškove davanja u naravi snosi nositelj te ugovorne stranke na osnovi ovog članka.

(8) Odredbe ovog članka ne vrijede za članove obitelji koji imaju pravo na davanja u naravi prema zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke na čijem području prebivaju, i to zbog plaćenog zaposlenja ili davanja iz socijalne sigurnosti ugovorne stranke na čijem području prebivaju.

(9) Odredba stavka 5. ovoga članka neće se primjenjivati na osobe koje na područje ugovorne stranke koja nije država njihovog prebivanja odlaze radi liječenja.

Članak 20.


(1) Davanja u naravi, pružena sukladno odredbama ovog poglavlja, nadležni su nositelji ili nositelji u prebivalištu obvezni nadoknaditi nositeljima koji su ih pružili.

(2) Nadoknada će se utvrditi i isplatiti u skladu s postupkom predviđenim u Administrativnom sporazumu iz članka 37., bilo na osnovi dokaza o stvarnim troškovima ili u obliku paušalnih svota.

Poglavlje 2.

Invalidnost, starost i smrt


Članak 21.

(1) Ako prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu osoba ne ispunjava uvjete za stjecanje, održanje ili ponovno uspostavljanje prava na davanje isključivo na osnovi razdoblja osiguranja ili drugih razdoblja, navršenih prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu, nadležni će nositelj, radi prava državljana jedne od ugovornih stranaka na ta davanja, uzeti u obzir i razdoblja osiguranja navršena prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu, kao da su navršena prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu.

(2) Ako osoba, unatoč odredbama stavka 1., ne ispunjava uvjete za stjecanje prava na davanje, hrvatski će nositelj osiguranja za državljane jedne od ugovornih stranaka uzeti u obzir i razdoblja osiguranja navršena u trećim državama s kojima su obje ugovorne stranke zaključile zasebne ugovore o socijalnom osiguranju u kojima se predviđa zbrajanje razdoblja osiguranja u takvim slučajevima. Ako samo Republika Hrvatska ima takav međudržavni ugovor s trećom državom, hrvatski će nositelj uzeti u obzir razdoblja osiguranja koja su hrvatski državljani navršili u trećoj državi, ako ugovorom s tom trećom državom nije drukčije određeno.

(3) Odredbe stavaka 1. i 2., o zbrajanju razdoblja osiguranja, odnose se samo na inozemna razdoblja osiguranja koja se ne poklapaju s hrvatskim razdobljima osiguranja.

(4) Odredbe stavaka 1. i 2. primjenjuju se samo ako ukupno razdoblje osiguranja, navršeno prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu iznosi najmanje dvanaest mjeseci, osim ako minimalni uvjet staža iznosi manje od dvanaest mjeseci.

Članak 22.

Ispunjava li osoba uvjete za stjecanje prava na davanja prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu bez zbrajanja razdoblja osiguranja sukladno članku 21., hrvatski nositelj odobrava svotu davanja obračunatu isključivo na osnovi razdoblja osiguranja navršenih prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu.

Ova odredba primjenjuje se i u slučaju kada osiguranik prema zakonodavstvu druge ugovorne stranke ima pravo na davanja obračunata sukladno člancima 28. i 31.

Članak 23.

Ako pravo na davanje prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu ovisi o zbrajanju razdoblja osiguranja, spomenutom u članku 21., nadležni će nositelj odrediti svotu davanja na sljedeći način:

a) najprije će utvrditi teoretsku svotu davanja koja bi se isplaćivala kada bi sva zbrojena razdoblja osiguranja bila navršena prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu;

b) zatim utvrđuje stvarnu svotu davanja za isplatu, tako da teoretsku svotu, izračunatu prema odredbama slova a), svede na odnos između razdoblja osiguranja navršenih prema zakonodavstvu koje on primjenjuje i ukupno zbrojenih razdoblja osiguranja prema članku 21;

c) ako je ukupno trajanje razdoblja osiguranja, zbrojenih prema članku 21., duže od najdužeg trajanja razdoblja propisanog hrvatskim zakonodavstvom za izračunavanje najveće svote davanja, nadležni nositelj za izračunavanje davanja prema slovu a) i b) uzima u obzir to najduže trajanje, umjesto zbrojenih razdoblja;

d) odredbe slova a), b) i c) ne primjenjuju se kada je za dotičnu osobu povoljnije izračunavanje prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu.

Članak 24.

Za izračunavanje davanja hrvatski nositelji uzimaju u obzir isključivo primljenu plaću ili zaradu, odnosno uplaćene doprinose prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu.

Članak 25.

Davanje priznato prema hrvatskom zakonodavstvu sukladno člancima 21. do 24. ne utvrđuje se ponovno u slučaju kasnije priznatog davanja prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu.

Članak 26.

U slučaju smrti osiguranika koji je imao pravo na mirovinu ili je primao mirovinu sukladno odredbama članka 21. do 25., nadživjeli članovi obitelji imaju pravo na obiteljsku mirovinu.


Članak 27.


Državljanin jedne od ugovornih stranaka na kojega se je, u vrijeme nastanka nesposobnosti za rad koja je rezultirala invalidnošću, primjenjivalo hrvatsko zakonodavstvo o mirovinama i koji je imao pravo na hrvatsku invalidsku mirovinu, a prethodno je navršio ukupno razdoblje osiguranja od najmanje 12 mjeseci prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu o invalidskom osiguranju, ima pravo na davanja prema potonjem zakonodavstvu, koja će se izračunati sukladno pravilima članka 28.

Članak 28.

(1) Svota davanja iz članka 27. izračunava se u omjeru između ukupnog trajanja razdoblja osiguranja, koja je ta osoba navršila prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu nakon 15. godine žvota i razdoblja od datuma navršavanja 15. godine života do datuma nastanka nesposobnosti za rad koja je rezultirala invalidnošću.

(2) Ako je u vrijeme nastanka nesposobnosti za rad koja je rezultirala invalidnošću ta osoba bila zaposlena, ili se takvom smatrala, pripadajuće će se davanje odrediti sukladno Zakonu o osiguranju za slučaj nesposobnosti za rad (Incapacity Insurance Act, WAO) od 18. veljače 1966. U protivnom davanje koje iz toga proizlazi odrediti će se sukladno Zakonu o davanjima u slučaju nesposobnosti za privređivanje samostalnih privrednika (WAZ) od 24. travnja 1997.

(3) Razdobljima osiguranja, navršenim prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu smatrat će se:

a) razdoblja osiguranja navršena sukladno Zakonu o osiguranju za slučaj nesposobnosti za rad (Disablement Insurance Act, WAO) od 18. veljače 1966.;

b) razdoblja osiguranja navršena sukladno Zakonu o općem osiguranju za slučaj nesposobnosti za rad (General Disablement Insurance Act, AAW) od 11. prosinca 1975.;

c) razdoblja osiguranja navršena u smislu Zakona o davanjima u slučaju nesposobnosti za privređivanje samostalnih privrednika od 24. travnja 1997. (WAZ);

d) razdoblja zaposlenja i s njima izjednačena razdoblja navršena u Nizozemskoj prije 1. srpnja 1967.

(4) U slučaju iz stavka 2. prve rečenice, preklapa li se neko razdoblje osiguranja prema WAZ-u s nekim od razdoblja osiguranja navršenim prema WAO-u, uzet će se u obzir samo razdoblje navršeno u skladu s AAW-om.

(5) U slučaju iz stavka 2. druge rečenice, preklapa li se neko razdoblje osiguranja navršeno prema WAZ-u s nekim od razdoblja osiguranja navršenim prema WAO-u, uzet će se u obzir samo razdoblje navršeno u skladu s AAW-om.

Članak 29.


(1) U slučaju starosti nizozemski nositelj osiguranja utvrđuje mirovinu izravno i isključivo na osnovi razdoblja osiguranja navršenih prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu o starosnom osiguranju.

(2) Smanjenje spomenuto u članku 13. stavku 1. Zakona o općem starosnom osiguranju (AOW) ne vrijedi za kalendarske godine, ili njihov dio, prije stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora, za vrijeme kojih udana žena ili žena koja je bila ranije udana između dobi od 15. i 65. godine, a koja je tijekom trajanja braka prebivala u Hrvatskoj, nije bila osigurana prema gore spomenutom zakonu, ukoliko se te kalendarske godine, ili njihov dio, poklapaju s razdobljima osiguranja koja je njen suprug navršio prema tom zakonodavstvu.

Derogiranjem članka 7. AOW-a za takvu se ženu smatra da ima pravo na mirovinu.

(3) Smanjenje spomenuto u članku 13. stavku 2. AOW-a ne vrijedi za kalendarske godine, ili dio njih, prije stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora, za vrijeme kojih je supruga umirovljenika prebivala u Hrvatskoj između 15. i 65. godine života i nije bila osigurana prema gore spomenutom zakonodavstvu, ako se te kalendarske godine, ili dio njih, poklapaju s razdobljima osiguranja koje je njen suprug navršio prema tom zakonodavstvu.

(4) Odredbe iz stavka 2. i 3. primjenjivat će se samo ako je ta osoba, nakon navršene 59. godine života, prebivala šest godina na području Hrvatske ili Nizozemske, i to tako dugo dok prebiva na području jedne od tih država ugovornica.

(5) Derogiranjem odredaba članka 45. stavka 1. AOW-a, i članka 63. stavka 1. Zakona o općem osiguranju nadživjelih članova obitelji (ANW), supružnik zaposlene osobe koja pripada sustavu obveznog osiguranja, a prebiva u Hrvatskoj, ima pravo na dobrovoljno osiguranje prema tom zakonodavstvu, ali samo za razdoblje nakon stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora, u kojem zaposlena osoba jest ili je bila obvezno osigurana prema gore navedenom zakonodavstvu. To pravo prestaje s datumom prestanka obveznog osiguranja zaposlene osobe.

Spomenuto pravo postoji, međuim, i dalje, ako obvezno osiguranje zaposlene osobe prestane uslijed njene smrti, te ako supružnik prima mirovinu isključivo prema ANW-u.

U svakom slučaju, pravo na dobrovoljno osiguranje prestaje s datumom kojim osiguranik navršava 65 godina života.

Doprinos za prije spomenuto dobrovoljno osiguranje određuje se za supružnika zaposlene osobe koji je obvezno osiguran prema AOW-u i ANW-u, u skladu s odredbama o utvrđivanju doprinosa za obvezno osiguranje, pod uvjetom da se smatra kako je osoba ostvarivala prihode u Nizozemskoj.

Za supružnika zaposlene osobe koji je bio obvezno osiguran na dan ili nakon stupanja na snagu ovog ugovora, doprinos će se utvrditi sukladno odredbama o utvrđivanju doprinosa za dobrovoljno osiguranje prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu o općem starosnom osiguranju i nizozemskom zakonodavstvu o općem osiguranju nadživjelih članova obitelji.

(6) Pravo iz stavka 5. priznat će se samo onda ako supružnik zaposlene osobe o svojoj namjeri da pristupi dobrovoljnom osiguranju obavijesti Sociale Verzekeringsbank (Banku socijalnog osiguranja) najkasnije godinu dana nakon početka njegovog razdoblja obveznog osiguranja.

Za supružnika zaposlene osobe koji je bio obvezno osiguran netom prije ili na dan stupanja na snagu ovog ugovora, rok od godine dana započinje s danom stupanja na snagu ovog ugovora.

(7) Odredbe iz stavaka 2. i 3. ovog članka neće se primjenjivati na razdoblja koja se podudaraju s razdobljima koja dolaze u obzir za obračun mirovina prema zakonodavstvu o starosnim mirovinama u nekoj od država osim Nizozemske ili na razdoblja za vrijeme kojih je ta osoba primala starosnu mirovinu prema tom zakonodavstvu.

(8) Odredbe stavaka 2. i 3. ovog članka primjenjivat će se isključivo na supružnike koji su pristupili dobrovoljnom osiguranju prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu, sukladno stavku 5 ovog članka.

Članak 30.


Ako se je na državljanina jedne od ugovornih stranaka u vrijeme njegove smrti primjenjivalo hrvatsko zakonodavstvo o mirovinama, a prethodno je navršio ukupno razdoblje osiguranja od najmanje 12 mjeseci prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu o osiguranju nadživjelih članova obitelji, njegov će supružnik i djeca imati pravo na davanja prema tom zakonodavstvu, koja će se odrediti sukladno pravilima članka 31.

Članak 31.

Svota davanja iz članka 30. izračunat će se u omjeru između ukupnog razdoblja osiguranja koje je preminuli navršio prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu prije navršene 65. godine života i razdoblja od datuma navršetka 15. godine života i datuma smrti, ali ne kasnije od datuma navršetka 65. godine života.

Poglavlje 3.


Članak 32.

Ako se je na osobu primjenjivalo zakonodavstvo obiju ugovornih stranaka, razdoblja osiguranja ili zaposlenja koja se trebaju uzeti u obzir prema zakonodavstvu obiju stranaka zbrojit će se radi stjecanja, očuvanja ili oživljavanja prava na davanja za nezaposlenost, pod uvjetom da se ta razdoblja ne poklapaju.

Članak 33.

Zaposlena osoba koja prebiva na području jedne ugovorne stranke, i preseli na područje druge ugovorne stranke čije se je zakonodavstvo na tu osobu posljednje primjenjivalo, ima pravo na davanja za nezaposlenost prema zakonodavstvu druge ugovorne stranke za vrijeme svog boravka na njenom području, ako:

a) ispunjava uvjete prema zakonodavstvu te stranke, uzimajući u obzir zbrojena razdoblja osiguranja iz članka 32;

b) je bila zaposlena na području te stranke ukupno najmanje 4 tjedna u posljednjih dvanaest mjeseci prije podnošenja zahtjeva; i

c) ima dozvolu za rad na području te stranke, sukladno njenom zakonodavstvu o zapošljavanju stranih radnika.

Članak 34.

Prigodom obračuna davanja u slučajevima na koje se primjenjuje ovo poglavlje uzet će se u obzir samo prihodi stečeni na području ugovorne stranke koja isplaćuje davanje.

Poglavlje 4.

Doplatak za djecu

Članak 35.

(1) Osoba na koju se primjenjuje zakonodavstvo o doplatku na djecu jedne ugovorne stranke, ima pravo na doplatak za djecu prema zakonodavstvu te stranke i onda ako dijete prebiva na području druge ugovorne stranke.

(2) Stavak 1. ovog članka primjenjivat će se sve dok nizozemsko zakonodavstvo bude dopuštalo isplatu doplatka za djecu koja prebivaju izvan područja Nizozemske.

Članak 36.

Ako su uvjeti za pravo na doplatak za djecu ispunjeni prema zakonodavstvu obiju ugovornih stranaka pravo će se priznati isključivo prema zakonodavstvu ugovorne stranke na čijem području dijete prebiva.


Članak 37.


Nadležna će se tijela dogovoriti o odredbama za primjenu ovog Ugovora putem administrativnog sporazuma. Osim toga, odredit će tijela za vezu na vlastitim područjima, koja će pomagati pri provedbi ovog Ugovora.

Članak 38.


(1) Nadležna će se tijela međusobno izvješćivati o svim promjenama svojih zakonodavstava koje su važne za primjenu ovog Ugovora.

(2) U primjeni ovog Ugovora tijela i nositelji osiguranja ugovornih stranaka međusobno će se pomagati kao da primjenjuju vlastito zakonodavstvo. Takva međusobna administrativna pomoć bit će besplatna.

(3) U primjeni ovog Ugovora tijela i nositelji osiguranja mogu izravno komunicirati jedni s drugima i sa zainteresiranim osobama ili njihovim zastupnicima.

(4) Tijela, nositelji osiguranja i sudovi jedne ugovorne stranke ne smiju odbiti zahtjeve ili druge podnesene dokumente zato što su napisani na stranom jeziku, pod uvjetom da su ili na službenom jeziku druge ugovorne stranke ili na engleskom, odnosno francuskom jeziku.

Članak 39.


(1) Liječničke preglede osoba koje prebivaju ili borave na području druge ugovorne stranke obavlja nositelj te ugovorne stranke na zahtjev i na teret nadležnog nositelja. Troškovi liječničkih pregleda ne nadoknađuju se ako su u interesu nadležnih nositelja obiju ugovornih stranaka.

(2) Međutim, nadležni nositelj pridržava pravo da tu osobu pregleda liječnik po njegovom izboru na području jedne od ugovornih stranaka.

Članak 40.


Nadležna tijela, tijela za vezu i nositelji osiguranja ugovornih stranaka dopisivat će se međusobno na engleskom ili francuskom jeziku.

Članak 41.


Svako oslobađanje, na području jedne od ugovornih stranaka, od taksi, bilježničkih pristojbi ili upisnina za potvrde i dokumente koji se podnose tijelima i nositeljima osiguranja na istom području, vrijedi također i za potvrde i dokumente koji se radi primjene ovog Ugovora moraju dostavljati tijelima i nositeljima osiguranja, na području druge ugovorne stranke. Isprave i potvrde koje se podnose u svrhu primjene ovog Ugovora ne podliježu ovjeri kod diplomatskih ili konzularnih tijela.

Članak 42.


(1) Zahtjevi, žalbe i druge isprave koje se, sukladno zakonodavstvu jedne ugovorne stranke, podnose tijelu ili nositelju osiguranja u određenom roku, uzet će se u obzir ako su u istom roku podnijeti odgovarajućem tijelu ili nositelju osiguranja druge ugovorne stranke. Tijelo ili nositelj osiguranja druge ugovorne stranke dužan ih je, bez odgađanja, proslijediti tijelu ili nositelju osiguranja prve ugovorne stranke. Datum na koji su ti dokumenti predani tijelu ili nositelju osiguranja druge ugovorne stranke smatrat će se datumom njihovog podnošenja tijelu ili nositelju osiguranja prve ugovorne stranke.

(2) Zahtjev za davanja podnijet u skladu sa zakonodavstvom jedne ugovorne stranke smatrat će se zahtjevom za odgovarajuće davanje, prema zakonodavstvu druge ugovorne stranke. Međutim, u slučaju starosnih mirovina, to ne vrijedi ako podnositelj zahtjeva izjavi, ili je očito, da se zahtjev odnosi isključivo na mirovinu prema zakonodavstvu prve ugovorne stranke.

Članak 43.


Radi stjecanja ili održanja prava na novčana davanja, sukladno zakonodavstvu jedne ili obiju ugovornih stranaka, podnositelj zahtjeva obvezan je dokazati vlastiti identitet kod nositelja u prebivalištu ili privremenom boravištu putem službene osobne isprave. Dotični nositelj propisno utvrđuje identitet osobe na osnovi osobne isprave. Osobna je isprava putovnica ili drugi valjani identifikacijski dokument koji izdaje nadležno tijelo u prebivalištu. Taj nositelj izvješćuje drugog nositelja o provjerenom identitetu, slanjem preslike osobne isprave.

Članak 44.


(1) Nadležni nositelj ugovorne stranke pri kojem je podnijet zahtjev za davanja obvezan je provjeriti točnost podataka koji se odnose na podnositelja zahtjeva i članove njegove obitelji, te dostaviti takve podatke i druge potrebne isprave nositelju druge ugovorne stranke radi okončanja postupka.

(2) Stavak 1. ovog članka primjenjuje se odgovarajuće i u slučaju kada nadležni nositelj jedne od ugovornih stranaka zatraži provjeru podataka od nositelja druge ugovorne stranke radi utvrđivanja zakonitosti isplata korisnicima davanja koji prebivaju na području tih ugovornih stranaka.

(3) Podaci spomenuti u stavcima 1. i 2. ovog članka uključuju i podatke o prihodima i obiteljskom statusu.

(4) Nadležni nositelji ugovornih stranaka mogu izravno komunicirati međusobno i s korisnicima davanja, odnosno njihovim predstavnicima.

(5) Diplomatski i konzularni predstavnici, te nositelji ugovornih stranaka mogu tražiti informacije izravno od tijela na području druge ugovorne stranke u svrhu utvrđivanja prava i zakonitosti isplate davanja dotičnim korisnicima ugovornih stranaka.

Članak 45.


(1) Ako je prema ovom Ugovoru, nositelj osiguranja jedne ugovorne stranke obvezan isplaćivati novčana davanja korisniku koji je na području druge ugovorne stranke, njegova će obveza biti izražena u valuti prve ugovorne stranke.

(2) Ako je, prema ovom ugovoru, nositelj osiguranja jedne ugovorne stranke obvezan isplaćivati novac nositelju osiguranja druge ugovorne stranke, njegova će obveza biti izražena u valuti druge ugovorne stranke. Prvi nositelj osiguranja valjano će namiriti svoju obvezu u toj valuti, osim ako zainteresirani nositelji ne dogovore drugačije.

(3) Novčane doznake na osnovi primjene ovog ugovora slat će se sukladno odgovarajućim sporazumima koji vrijede između ugovornih stranaka na dan doznačivanja.

(4) U slučaju deviznih ograničenja koja uvede jedna od ugovornih stranaka, obje će se ugovorne stranke odmah sporazumjeti o mjerama osiguranja isplate svih svota koje duguju prema ovom ugovoru na područja obiju odgovornih stranaka.

(5) U slučaju nepostojanja konvertibilnosti između nizozemske i hrvatske valute, svote koje nositelji međusobno isplaćuju primjenom članka 20. i 39. ovog ugovora izračunat će se na osnovi tečaja koji vrijedi na dan isplate, prema izvješću Nizozemske središnje banke, osim ako se zainteresirani nositelji ne dogovore drukčije.

(6) U slučaju nepostojanja konvertibilnosti između nizozemske i hrvatske valute, svote bespravno isplaćenih davanja ili doprinosa primjenom članaka 46. i 47. izračunat će se prema tečaju koji objavi Nizozemska središnja banka na dan odluke o nadoknađivanju bespravno isplaćenih davanja i naplati doprinosa.

Članak 46.


(1) Ugovorne stranke međusobno priznaju ovršne upravne ili sudske odluke o nadoknađivanju davanja koja su bespravno isplaćena prema njihovim zakonodavstvima, pod uvjetom da takve odluke imaju klauzulu ovršnosti.

(2) Ugovorne stranke pomažu jedna drugoj u primjeni odluka navedenih u stavku 1. ovoga članka.

(3) Na zahtjev jednog nadležnog nositelja, drugi nadležni nositelj pokreće pravni postupak ovrhe odluka iz stavka 1. ovog članka sukladno vlastitom zakonodavstvu. Troškove takvog postupka nadoknađuje nositelj koji ga je tražio.

(4) Ako je prigodom priznavanja ili ponovnog utvrđivanja davanja za slučaj invalidnosti, starosti ili smrti, sukladno ovom Ugovoru, nadležni nositelj jedne od ugovornih stranaka isplatio korisniku davanja svotu koja premašuje onu na koju korisnik ima pravo, taj nositelj može zatražiti od nadležnog nositelja druge ugovorne stranke, koji je dužan isplaćivati odgovarajuća davanja tom korisniku, da pretplaćenu svotu odbije od zaostatka koje isplaćuje navedenom korisniku. Potonji je nositelj dužan odbijenu svotu doznačiti vjerovničkom nositelju. Ako se pretplaćena svota ne može odbiti od zaostataka, primjenjivat će se odredbe stavka 5. ovog članka.

(5) Ako je nadležni nositelj jedne ugovorne stranke isplatio korisniku davanja svotu koja premašuje onu na koju on ima pravo, taj nositelj može, sukladno uvjetima i ograničenjima, predviđenima zakonodavstvom koje on primjenjuje, zatražiti od nadležnog nositelja druge ugovorne stranke, zaduženog za isplatu davanja tom korisniku, da odbije pretplaćenu svotu od svota koje isplaćuje navedenom korisniku. Potonji nositelj odbit će dug pod uvjetima i uz ograničenja koja za takvo nadoknađivanje predviđa zakonodavstvo koje taj nositelj primjenjuje, kao da je sam izvršio pretplatu, te će odbijenu svotu doznačiti vjerovničkom nositelju.

Članak 47.


(1) Ugovorne stranke međusobno priznaju ovršne upravne ili sudske odluke o naplati doprinosa, donijete sukladno njihovim zakonodavstvima, pod uvjetom da imaju klauzulu ovršnosti.

(2) Ugovorne stranke međusobno se pomažu u primjeni odluka spomenutih u stavku 1. ovog članka.

(3) Na zahtjev jednog nadležnog nositelja drugi nadležni nositelj pokreće u skladu sa svojim zakonodavstvom pravni postupak ovrhe odluka iz stavka 1. ovog članka. Troškove takvog postupka nadoknađuje nositelj koji ih je tražio.

Članak 48.


(1) Sporovi koji nastanu u svezi s primjenom ovog Ugovora rješavat će se pregovorima između nadležnih tijela.

(2) Ne riješi li se spor u roku od šest mjeseci, nakon prvog zahtjeva za pokretanje pregovora, sukladno stavku 1. ovog članka, iznijet će se pred arbitražni sud, koji se sastavlja na sljedeći način:

a) Svaka ugovorna stranka imenuje jednog arbitražnog suca u roku od mjesec dana nakon primitka zahtjeva za arbitražnu odluku. Ta dva arbitražna suca, u roku daljnjih dva mjeseca od dana kada je ugovorna stranka koja je zadnja imenovala svojega arbitražnog suca o tome obavijestila drugu stranku, izabiru trećeg arbitražnog suca.

b) ako bilo koja ugovorna stranka u utvrđenom roku ne imenuje arbitražnog suca, druga stranka može pozvati predsjednika Međunarodnog suda pravde da obavi potrebna imenovanja. Jednako tako postupit će se na zahtjev obiju ugovornih stranaka, ako se oba arbitražna suca ne dogovore oko izbora trećeg arbitražnog suca.

c) u slučaju da je predsjednik Međunarodnog suda pravde državljanin jedne od ugovornih stranaka, funkcije koje mu daje ovaj članak prelaze na potpredsjednika suda ili na najvišeg po rangu suca toga suda, na kojega se ova okolnost ne odnosi.

(3) Arbitražni sud odlučuje većinom glasova. Njegove odluke obvezuju obje ugovorne stranke. Svaka ugovorna stranka snosi troškove za svojega arbitražnog suca. Ostale troškove u jednakim dijelovima snose obje ugovorne stranke. Arbitražni sud sam regulira svoje postupak.


Članak 49.


(1) Ovisno o stavku 3. ovog članka ovaj se Ugovor primjenjuje i na slučajeve nastale prije njegovog stupanja na snagu. Međutim, za razdoblja prije njegovog stupanja na snagu neće se prema ovom ugovoru pružati nikakva davanja, iako će se razdoblja osiguranja ili prebivanja, navršena prije stupanja na snagu Ugovora, uzeti u obzir pri utvrđivanju davanja.

(2) Odredbe u zakonima ugovornih stranaka o priznavanju i prestanku prava na novčana davanja, neće se primjenjivati na prava koja proizlaze iz odredaba stavka 1. ovog članka, pod uvjetom da korisnik podnese zahtjev za davanja u roku od dvije godine nakon stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora.

(3) Davanja priznata prije stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora i u skladu s Konvencijom o socijalnom osiguranju između Kraljevine Nizozemske i Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije od 11. svibnja 1977. pružat će se i dalje na osnovi spomenute Konvencije. Međutim, promijeni li se način utvrđivanja davanja ili pravila obračunavanja davanja, zbog povećanja troškova života ili promjene razine plaća, kao i drugih razloga za usklađivanje, davanja će se nanovo obračunavati sukladno ovom Ugovoru.

Članak 50.


Ovaj Ugovor zamjenjuje Konvenciju o socijalnom osiguranju između Kraljevine Nizozemske i Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije, potpisanu u Beogradu 11. svibnja 1977., koja prestaje važiti u odnosima između Republike Hrvatske i Kraljevine Nizozemske s datumom stupanja na snagu ovog Ugovora.

Članak 51.


(1) Ovaj Ugovor može otkazati bilo koja od ugovornih stranaka. Obavijest o otkazivanju u pisanom obliku treba dostaviti diplomatskim putem najkasnije tri mjeseca prije isteka tekuće kalendarske godine. Nakon toga Ugovor će prestati važiti istekom kalendarske godine u kojoj je otkazan.

(2) U slučaju otkazivanja Ugovora njegove će odredbe i dalje važiti za davanja koja su već stečena, bez obzira na eventualne odredbe u zakonodavstvu dviju ugovornih stranaka o ograničenju prava na davanja u svezi s prebivanjem u drugim državama ili državljanstvom drugih država. Sva prava na buduća davanja, eventualno stečena na temelju ovog Ugovora, regulirat će se posebnim sporazumom.

Članak 52.


Završni protokol u dodatku ovog Ugovora njegov je sastavni dio.

Članak 53.


Obje ugovorne stranke međusobno će se pisano i diplomatskim putem izvijestiti o okončanju odgovarajućih postupaka potrebnih za stupanje na snagu ovog Ugovora. Ugovor stupa na snagu prvoga dana trećega mjeseca od datuma posljednje obavijesti.

U potvrdu toga potpisnici su, propisno ovlašteni od svojih vlada, potpisali ovaj Ugovor.

Sastavljeno u Zagrebu dana 11. mjeseca rujna, 1998., u dva primjerka samo na engleskom jeziku.

                   ZA REPUBLIKU                                                 ZA KRALJEVINU
                      HRVATSKU                                                       NIZOZEMSKU

                       Joso Škara,                                               Josef Willem Scheffers,

                       ministar rada i                                                 veleposlanik Kraljevine
                      socijalne skrbi                                                Nizozemske u Republici


Prigodom potpisivanja Ugovora između Republike Hrvatske i Kraljevine Nizozemske o socijalnom osiguranju potpisani su se opunomoćenici sporazumjeli o sljedećem:

Primjena nizozemskog zakonodavstva o zdravstvenom osiguranju

1. Što se tiče prava na davanja u naravi prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu, poglavlje 1. III. dijela ovog Ugovora primjenjuje se samo na osobe osigurane prema odredbama Zakona o zdravstvenom osiguranju (Ziekenfondswet).

2. Radi primjene članka 19. ovog Ugovora sljedeće će se mirovine tretirati kao mirovine koje pripadaju prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu:

- mirovine na osnovi Zakona od 6. siječnja 1996. kojim se utemeljuje novi sustav mirovina za državne činovnike i nadživjele članove njihovih obitelji (Algemene burgerlijke pensioenwet);

- mirovine na osnovi Zakona od 6. listopada 1966. koji utemeljuje novi sustav mirovina za vojne službenike i nadživjele članove njihovih obitelji (Algemene militaire pensioenwet);

- mirovine na osnovi Zakona od 15. veljače 1967. kojim se utemeljuje novi sustav mirovina za osoblje Nizozemskih željeznica i nadživjele članove njihovih obitelji (Spoorwegpensioenwet);

- mirovine na osnovi Uredbe o uvjetima zapošljavanja na Nizozemskim željeznicama (R. D. V. 1964. N. S.);

- mirovinska davanja za osobe mlađe od 65 godina, koja se pružaju u okviru mirovinskog sustava za isplatu starosnih mirovina zaposlenim i ranije zaposlenim osobama, te

- davanja za prijevremeno napuštanje profesionalne djelatnosti u okviru sustava koji donosi vlada ili prema odredbama u skladu s kolektivnim ugovorom o radu koji se odnosi na prijevremeni odlazak u mirovinu, odnosno prema odredbama koje navede »Ziekenfondsraad«.

3. Prema Zakonu o izuzetnim liječničkim troškovima (AWBZ) nisu osigurani članovi obitelji, navedeni u članku 15. stavku 2., osoba ili članovi njene obitelji navedeni u članku 16., te umirovljenik ili članovi njegove obitelji, navedeni u članku 19. stavcima 2. i 3. Ugovora, koji prebivaju u Nizozemskoj ali imaju pravo na davanja u naravi na teret Hrvatske.

4. Odredbe članka 18. stavci 1, 3, 4, 6. i 7. (u slučaju privremenog boravka) te članka 19. stavci 5. 6. i 9. primjenjuju se na sve osobe osigurane prema nizozemskom zakonodavstvu, bez obzira na njihovo državljanstvo.

U potvrdu toga potpisnici su, propisno ovlašteni od svih vlada, potpisali ovaj Završni protokol.

Sastavljeno u Zagrebu dana 11. mjeseca rujna, 1998., u dva primjerka samo na engleskom jeziku.


                      ZA REPUBLIKU                                                 ZA KRALJEVINU
                      HRVATSKU                                                       NIZOZEMSKU

                       Joso Škara,                                               Josef Willem Scheffers,

                       ministar rada i                                                 veleposlanik Kraljevine
                      socijalne skrbi                                                Nizozemske u Republici

Članak 3.

Ovaj Zakon stupa na snagu osmog dana od dana objave u »Narodnim novinama«.

Klasa: 504-02/95-01/04
Zagreb, 29. siječnja 1999.


Zastupničkog doma
Hrvatskoga državnog sabora
Vladimir Šeks, dipl. iur., v. r.